Ready to make an Impact on your bottom line? You’re just a few stamps away from success. Contact us to get started!


    Have questions on how Aerial Impacts can help you improve your qualified leads and solar installations? email us at sunpower@aerialimpacts.com or call 855-779-2295

    Our mission is to help solar companies make more money. As media dollars shift from traditional to online, the need to stand out among competitors has never been greater. Aerial Impacts allows you to target high quality homes and send them customized solar panel designs and annual savings in a beautiful 6.5 x 11 post card for less than a single cost-per-click in search marketing.

    Customers who use Aerial Impacts typically receive a 2% redemption with a single mailer, 3% with two mailers and 5% with three mailers. Depending on your location and time of year you may experience a higher conversion rate.

    Aerial Impacts (AI) has a teared pricing model to help you do more for less. The initial solar design and first mailer costs $2 per unit. Every AI campaign has a minimum of 3,000 homes. The team suggests no more than 5,000 per every drop based on your sales team support.

    Aerial Impacts customers obtain lists in several ways. Many customers have existing target lists of customer names and addresses. Others hand select addresses in target neighborhoods to optimize valuable installations. The fastest way to acquire a list is to purchase one. Our team of solar experts can help you weed out trust estates, small roof properties, multi or single-family homes and more to maximize your impact for $500 per list.

    If you’d like Aerial Impacts to purchase a list on your behalf, the cost is $500 for 3,000 homes. Our team takes great care in selecting homes that are high quality. For instance, we always remove land owned by trusts which historically have a lower chance to signing on to a solar installation. With your help we’ll organize the list based on multi-home or residential requirements to make sure your mailer has the highest redemption rate possible.

    Aerial Impacts is partnered with the lowest cost direct mail printer and mailing service. With the list of addresses, our team uses google earth to take a picture of the roof of each home. Then using Helioscope, we design a custom solar panel system on top of each roof. Using your provided power company and kW rate, we then calculate annual savings for each home and mail merge the data into your approved direct mailer design.

    From order to first delivery, companies should be expect 3-4 weeks. Once your order is received, sales@aerialimpacts.com will reach out with an intake form. Once the form is complete, you’ll receive dates for the initial drop and follow up mailers.

    The intake form will ask for a business name, address, website, data list, indicate the number of mailers you’d like to order, power company, sample power bill, and target drop date. If you would like to purchase a list, Aerial Impacts can help you for $500 per list.

    Aerial Impacts will need your logo, company address, website url, phone number (we suggest using a tracking number from callrail.com or another third party for better tracking), and a hero shot for the front of your direct mail. Once your order is received our team will provide you with 3 design templates to choose from and begin the customization.

    Once an order is placed it cannot be cancelled. If a company wishes to cancel a second or third mailer to the same home Aerial Impacts will refund the postage for the cards not mailed at $0.25 per a unit.